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This week, we’re shaking things up! After 70+ interviews with 8, 9 and even 10-figure entrepreneurs, I wanted to round up the best marketing advice shared on the pod, and deliver it straight to your ear drums.

My team went back through the archives and pulled the biggest takeaways from 5 entrepreneurs who are absolutely crushing it in the marketing world. You’ll hear SUPER actionable tactics from Ryan Pineda, Keala Kanae, Perry Belcher, Jason Fladlien, and George Bryant.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to automate your lead generation using instagram reels, strategies for increasing email open rates, what the best marketers do to improve customer LTV, the power of strategic positioning, and much more!

Inspiring Quotes
  • No matter what circumstance you’re in, you need faith. If you don’t believe you can get to that next level and you don’t believe you’re going to be successful, you are not going to be.” – Ryan Pineda
  • Most people just don’t understand how email marketing works and what the email platforms are looking for. If you don’t know the rules, you can’t win the game. And the rules have definitely been changing.” – Keala Kanae
  • “Instead of trying to get them excited to move forward, I remove the thing that stops them from moving forward.” – Jason Fladlien
  • When you’ve got a customer, what else is that customer opening their wallet for? And how can you get in between?” – Perry Belcher
  • When I think about customer journey, we have to recognize that every single time somebody gives us their attention, at some level, consciously or subconsciously, they’re interested in what we have to offer. And if all we do is focus on the people that are ready to give us their credit card, we’re basically eliminating everything that we have that we can build and scale to build this massive business to eight figures, nine figures and beyond.” – George Bryant

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