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Today, I’m hanging out with Marshall Sylver, A.K.A. “The Millionaire Maker.”

Marshall is a hypnotist and is recognized as the #1 leading expert in subconscious reprogramming and persuasion.

Over the past 35+ years, he’s entertained, educated, and transformed the lives of thousands of people and has sold over one million copies of his personal development programs worldwide. 

Although he’s used his expertise in hypnosis for entertainment purposes, it’s his contributions to personal growth and development that have earned him global recognition.

He has led training programs for IBM, Ford, KFC, Pepsi, and many Fortune 500 companies, teaching them how to inspire their teams and giving their frontline sales staff the confidence and skills to close more deals. 

Inspiring Quotes
  • One of the things we have to understand is that all buying decisions are based first on emotion and then backed up with logic.” – Marshall Sylver
  • My own belief is, especially in our space, in the seminar space, in the education space, not only do people vote with their wallet, they commit with their wallet. So, we end up with a better quality of student that invested $2,000 versus that one that invested $500.” – Marshall Sylver
  • Ultimately, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, though. All learning is self-learning. I’m not able to program somebody that isn’t allowing me to program them and they don’t consciously allow me to program them.” – Marshall Sylver
  • My belief is that everybody would be wise to create what I call strategic alliances. You want to find customers with customers because the key to ramping up to seven or eight or nine or ten figures is to understand how to sell one too many.” – Marshall Sylver

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