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Are you ready to take your business to 8-figures and beyond? 

In this episode of Beyond A Million, Brad sits down with Chris Van Dusen to explore the best strategies for funding your business, standing out in saturated markets, building mission-driven teams, and testing your way to exponential growth. 

Chris, who is currently a Senior Partner at Solyco Capital, is a marketing and growth professional with extensive early-stage and capitalization experience. He has built multiple successful businesses, navigated highly regulated industries, and led a company to a $75 million exit.

Whether you’re looking for ways to fund your existing business or expert insights to get you started on your entrepreneurial journey, this episode is for you. 

Tune in!

Inspiring Quotes
  • “The moment you take other people’s money, it changes the trajectory of your business.” – Chris Van Dusen
  • “The outcomes you desire are a function of the incentives you outlay. If you want certain outcomes, incentivize for those outcomes.” – Chris Van Dusen
  • “If you can’t explain your belief, it’s probably not your belief.” – Brad Weimert 
  • “Just do it. You don’t need to have an old-school business plan written out. Just understand what you’re trying to do and the costs involved to get it off the ground.” – Chris Van Dusen
  • “If you’re going to take other people’s money, the goal should be to generate a return for both them and yourself, which means you really have to have a solid plan for how you’re going to scale that business.” – Chris Van Dusen

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